Project Description


Pollen Smart

pollen-smart Phone: 0800 466 837  
Company: The Wrangler Ltd

Trials were conducted on several Bay of Plenty orchards in 2015/16 season.
Comparisons were made between 100 flower samples of:
• Perfectly pollinated flowers
(by hand application)
• PollenSmart
- 1, 2, or 3 applications
- at light or heavy rate
• Bees only pollination
Summary of Results for Fruit Number & Weight
1. Pollensmart matched ‘Perfect’ pollintaion in achieving 88%
exportable fruit compared with 47% for ‘Bees only’ pollination
2. There was a BIG increase in bee activity under the canopy
with Pollensmart pollination (up to 20 bees per bay).

Agents and Distributors Wanted